The Hunger Games is a young adult novel written by American television writer and novelist Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games had an initial print of 200,000 – twice doubled from the original 50,000. Since its initial release, the novel has been translated into 26 languages and rights of production have been sold in 38 countries. The book received mostly positive reviews from major reviewers and authors. The Hunger Games is the first novel in The Hunger Games trilogy,[2] followed by Catching Fire, published on September 1, 2009, and Mockingjay, published on August 24, 2010.
A film adaptation, co-written and co-produced by Collins herself and directed by Gary Ross, was released worldwide on March 23, 2012. The film stars Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta, and Liam Hemsworth as Gale. It brought in $152.5 million (USD) on its opening weekend in North America.
Source: Celebrity Paradise